If I had been inaugurated as president on January 20, 2021, I would have got my cabinet, my aides, my supporters and the Democratic operatives with bylines in the media together in the Oval Office and told them the following:
Hey folks. I hope you all know that it’s going to take a miracle to get the nation and the Democratic Party through the next four years without an economic and political meltdown.
Item One: After the COVID shutdown and the 20 percent increase in the money supply, it’s going to take real talent —and luck — to get the economy back on track without major inflation and/or recession.
You know what happens when we get inflation and/or recession. The voters take it out on the party in power. That’s Us.
Item Two: Forget climate change for a few years. Yes, I know that we must act now, or we will wreck the planet. But we can’t save the planet if we wreck the economy with expensive green energy. We are going to need inexpensive fossil fuel energy for the next four years, or goodbye to our Democrat majority.
Item Three: Forget systemic racism for a few years. I know that the White Oppressors are the enemy, not to mention the bitter clingers, the deplorables and the benighted. But we need their enthusiastic contribution to get the economy back on track. After we’ve got the economy humming along, then it will be time to dish the dirty racists their just desserts for a million years of domination, hegemony, and injustice.
Listen folks. I know that this is not what you activists want to hear. You are going to change the world and end eons of injustice, and the time is now. That’s why you support the Democratic Party; because you believe in justice and you know that Trump and his supporters believe in injustice. But C’mon. Until we get the economy back on track we risk losing everything at the 2022 midterm. And who knows what at the next presidential election.
The fact that Joe Biden did not do that is not, of course, suprising. He’s just a go-along to get along partisan wheel horse. He knows that the way to get along in politics is to support the latest liberal Thing. But not too far, of course, as Mr. Brooke always added in Middlemarch.
But why? Why doesn’t the deep state and the activist culture “get it” and realize that “it’s the economy, stupid.” The answer is that the activists don’t care about the economy. They are educated class and they are protected against most of the winds of economic storm. And they believe in the justice of their “single issue.”
The activist culture — with their thousands of “single issues” — sets the agenda for the deep state and the Democratic Party. Here’s a piece on President Obama’s phone-and-pen DACA policy, that recently got struck down by the Fifth Court of Appeals. Writes Brian Lonergan:
Prior to enacting DACA via a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) internal policy memo in 2012, Barack Obama initially resisted pressure from his activist base to refrain from deporting individuals brought here illegally as children.
He said that he could not “simply through executive order, ignore those congressional mandates,” and the “laws on the books.” But the activists insisted, and so
Obama eventually caved to the pressure and ordered DHS to issue the DACA memo the following year.
That’s why we are presently staring down at 10 percent inflation and who knows what sort of recession. Because the activists.
And it’s not just in national politics that the Rule of the Activists applies. Here’s a piece about a nice liberal Jewish “community leader” being ambushed by the “ideological left of the Jewish community, which holds intersectionality as a cornerstone of progressive politics, was enraged.”
Then there is this, today:
Bless their hearts. Two Good LIttle Girls, who have been carefully taught that the meaning of life is activism. Because climate change.
I think that, over the last ten years, since the Obama inauguration, our Democratic friends have rather enjoyed themselves allowing their lefty activists to harass the ordinary middle class. Hey, it’s pretty cool watching the bigots get taught a lesson. There is really only one thing that will change that: repeated election defeats and, shall we say, “defund the professors.”