In a way it doesn’t make sense. Why would BlackRock and Vanguard and State Street and the rest of Big Finance be pushing ESG on Big Business and forcing Anhauser-Busch into silly transgender nonsense and Target into full-on support of Pride Month?
But really it make complete sense.
Remember the Koch Brothers? For years our liberal friends have been making the phrase “Koch Brothers” into a pejorative, the next worst thing after “racist.” Who wants to be a “Koch Brother?”
OK, I get that. Liberals need an enemy, because their whole life is politics, and there is no politics without an enemy.
But why should BlackRock CEO Larry Fink care about lefty politics?
Well, first of all, because plenty of gubmint pension funds demand things like disinvestment from fossil fuel companies. Because gubmint pension funds are plugged into the lefty enemy culture. So Big Finance needs to align itself with the Big Money of Big Pension. To take care of bidness.
But, I think, the other thing is that it just makes life easier for Big Finance if it aligns with Big Woke.
Because of the Carl Schmitt notion of the political as the distinction between friend and enemy. And Mao’s great line: “Who are our friends; who are our enemies?”
It just makes sense for Big Finance to stay out of trouble with Big Woke. Capitalism is not about making enemies; it is just wanting to buy and sell in the market. And it makes things really hard if you are being hassled by a bunch of lefty activists all the time. Hey, maybe if Larry Fink pushes ESG then Big Woke will think of Larry Fink as a friend, and not an enemy like the “Koch Brothers.”
You can see the obvious solution to this problem. Big Finance — and Big Everything Else — needs to think that they really need to be the friends of ordinary people that used to shop at Target and used to drink Bud Light. Because that’s where the money is.
And when ADL or SCLC or BLM takes a shot at them they need to feel confident that they can announce to the world that if far-left woke organizations are taking a pot-shot at them then they must be doing something right.
That’s where Big Finance needs to be. So we just need to help them.
Because in the end, Big Woke will turn around and bludgeon Big Finance to death. If we don’t stop them.