We are all busy most of the time being horrified by the antics of the Other Guys in politics. One of the things ourliberal friends are upset about — when they take a rest from finding raist-sexist-homopohbobes under the bed — is being horrified by “dog-whistles,” the secret code that racist-sexist-homophobes use when nobody is listening.
Of course, conservatives have a similar notion, of “gaslighting,” liberals trying to get the American people to believe — say, with “bidenomics” — that they can’t believe their lying eyes.
OK, fine; politics is politics, and the enemy is just half a step from destroying all that we know and love.
The other side of politics is the handing out of loot, and I just got my 2023 Mid-year Report from my far-left Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), and boy, does she have loot to hand out. Here are some of the goodies from the Inflation Reduction Act:
Insulin capped
Vaccines free
Coinsurance costs lowered
30% tax credits for battery storage installation
Up to $4,000 for home solar panels
Up to $7,500 in EV credits
Up to $2,00 for heat pump credits
Next up:
Lots of Medicare goodies
Up to $8,000 in home efficiency rebates
Thank goodness she takes time out from her antisemitism to get down to the real stuff: handing out the loot.
Handing out the loot is what they do in South Africa, and they’ve just about wrecked the economy. And even in Britland, “From schools to prisons, our state is crumbling.” But not to worry. In New York City they are in the middle of regulating AirBnb out of existence.
Everybody has somebody to blame for it all, it’s neoliberals or globalism, or the plutocracy, or the ultraMAGAs, or the deep state.
But I suggest a return to the thinking of Frédéric Bastiat and his “what is seen and what is not seen.” What is seen is that Cong. Jayapal and her pals in Cnngress are handing out goodies for the virtuous people that are Going Green. What is not seen is the jobs that are not being created because Bidenomics has scarfed up all the money to shower upon educated-class EV drivers in Seattle.
Government in the US is spending about 40 percent of GDP this year. That is seen. What is not seen is the use that money could have been put to if the government hadn’t taken it by force. Oh look! The budgeted federal deficit for 2023 is 6.14 percent GDP!
Taxes are theft by taking. And it was Bill Clinton who said, "Yes, we could give the taxpayers some money back. But what if they didn't spend it right?" OH! Another horror.