We all know, because we are carefully taught, that men rule the world through the patriarchy, and women are helpless victims that have been bullied and beaten up and raped since the dawn of time.
But suppose the opposite is true? How would we know?
For instance, I would say that what women want, pace Sigmund Feud, is to bear children and have them grow to adulthood and start their own families.
When you think of it, it stands to reason. If women did not have children and feed them and nurture them and raise them then we humans would not be long for this Earth.
And then there is my retort to Freud, which is: It’s not what women want, Siegie, but what they expect. And what women expect is:
Women Expect to be Protected.
Of course. Women don’t have time to be worrying about whether it is safe. They need to be safe already, and live in a safe world so they can turn their minds and their bodies and their whole being toward the only thing that matters: children and grandchildren.
And that is the clue behind the whole “safetyism” and “harm” culture that is arising wherever women get to be in control of some bureaucratic hierarchy — particularly in education — or wherever women get to be in the public square.
See, when men are running things all women have to do is complain to the man in charge, whether husband or teacher or university president, if their expectation for protection is not being met. And chances are dollars to donuts the man in charge will suck it in and protect the women in his charge.
Needless to say, this is not a perfect world and so there are times when women are not protected. As in:
Vikings sailing up the river in their longships. The result is that the men are killed and the women and children are captured and sold into slavery at the nearest slave port.
Red Army conquering eastern Germany. The result is that every German woman east of the Elbe gets raped. There are 14 million Germans that get killed or disappeared and Germany is never the same.
Prostitution. A pimp is a man what puts a woman into harm’s way.
Feminism. In a feminist era women are not protected by the patriarchy and so demand protection through the Pill and divorce and abortion-on-demand.
Flight from the feminine. Women start identifying as lesbian, transgender, non-binary as a way of seeking protection.
And so on.
As a Jungian, I say that humans must be programmed, in their individual and collective unconscious and through Jungian archetypes, to do the things that humans need to do in order to survive and thrive.
In order for that to happen women must be protected and fed and watered and live in a nice house with a white picket fence and have a husband to show her daughters what a good man looks like and teach her sons how to be a man.
Needles to say, the man in question knows the following:
Men know they are expendable.
The Hero dies on the border between Order and Chaos. As for Ordinary Men like you and me, we are just expendable, but we don’t go out of our way to get expended.
And if all this stuff works well it just goes to prove that women rule the world. Oh, they don’t actually sit on the throne. But they know how to get what they need.