Did anyone expect Richard Nixon to win 47 million to 29 million in 1972? Or Ronald Reagan to win 54.5 million to 37.5 million in 1984? Really, if you live in the ruling-class bubble such results are best forgotten.
Today, everyone is saying that Trump cannot win in 2024. But suppose he does? How would he do it? I agree. What do Benighted MAGAs know? What do the science deniers know? And what did the gilets jaunes of France know? What did the Canadian Truckers know? What do the Dutch Farmers know? And that’s to say nothing about the far-right fascists of the German AfD or the French followers of Marine LePen and her far-right fascists in the National Rally.
OK, let’s all agree that the educated set will all still vote Democrat. It’s what they do. They have their sinecures and their pensions and their tenure. But what about the rest of us?
What if the economy is till stagflating a year from now?
What if the Biden crime scene is still going strong?
What if the thugs are still cleaning out Nordstrom and the local drug store?
What if Trump tells women that he will protect them on the transgender front and the Drag Show front and the pedophile front and that no other candidate will do it?
Just sayin’.
See, I think that the fundamental thing we need to understand about women is that “women expect to be protected.” When women feel they are protected then they go with the Narrative. College? Careers? Liberation? Lockdowns? Social distancing? Vaccinations every hour on the hour? Yes, sir, please sir.
But if women feel unprotected, then it is Katy bar the door. Then they go looking for a new protector.
When women feel all safe and protected then they sneer at powerful men like Donald Trump who have dirty mouths. But when they are not protected then they don’t care about potty mouths. They just instinctively move to shelter beneath the strong arms of the strong man.
Could it happen? Who knows?
And the fundamental thing we need to understand about the ordinary middle class that keeps emerging organically from the ooze is that the ordinary middle class is being absolutely screwed these days. Part of it is that the educated class has No Idea what the ordinary middle class wants and needs, and could care less. Part of it is that the educated class’s political formula is to shovel money at itself with grants and sinecures and shovel money at the underclass with free money. And, because there is no politics without an enemy, the ordinary middle class has to be the enemy. Through a process of elimination.
Part of the problem is that the ordinary middle lass is not that interested in politics, and not that interested in power. So you never know how the ordinary middle class is going to vote until the month before the election. Then, all of a sudden you have a 55-45 election or a 60-40 election to the complete surprise of the educated class that thinks of Nixon as the guy going after Commies on HUAC or Reagan as an “amiable dunce.”
The point is that the ordinary middle class just wants to go about its business — but don’t touch Social Security or Medicare — and politics is all about rallying the faithful and drafting another generation of people into a War against the Enemy before it’s too late.
And there seems to be an organic thing with Trump. In 2020 the Trump Car Parades and Boat Parades. Last weekend the pro-Trump crowds at the Iowa State Fair. Something is going on out there in Deplorable-land and we educated snobs have no idea what.
"Something is going on out there in Deplorable-land and we educated snobs have no idea what."
Excellent observation, thanks.