If you’ve watched Tucker’s Ep. 17 with Vivek Ramaswamy you'll know that all the other candidates — including on the Democratic side — Will soon be stealing his ideas.
I don't think I've ever heard a public figure come within a country mile of laying out a worldview that covers all the bases like Vivek does in 45 minutes flat. It's astonishing. He covers everything from the philosophy of 1776 to Ukraine and Russia and China and Taiwan and leading edge semiconductors to the reverse yield curve to the culture war, all in the spirit of “let's sit down and discuss this.”
To emphasize this, Tucker showed a clip of Vivek in a discussion with a pangender where Vivek says that “I don’t have a negative view of same-sex couples, but I do have a negative view of a tyranny of the minority.”
Vivek repeats several times that the American people can handle the truth. And thus, I guess, can handle his comprehensive worldview. But then, I thought, is he right? Do voters, as men or women, want that? Or do they merely want to know that their leader will take care of them: whacking their enemies and keeping the goodies coming?
Let us suppose that Trump connects with voters that want someone fighting for them against the globalist ruling class and the deep state. Let us suppose that DeSantis connects with voters that want a candidate pushing actual programs they support to curb wokiness in government.
But how many voters want a candidate sculpting a new worldview in real time before the American people and all the world? I love it, but I'm a stuck-up intellectual snob, and I think that creating an intellectual framework for the Next America is Job One and someone's got to start drawing a map of a better world. I suspect that most people think: Hey, never mind about drawing maps: just cut to the chase, pal!
But maybe the ordinary American middle class is looking for a guy like Vivek. Because maybe it doesn't want the usual promises of the average politician, but rather to participate in the imagination of a new America that honors the goodness of yesterday's America. We'll know soon enough.
I am a Trump supporter. I think Trump was betrayed mightily by people he trusted in his previous term. Despite the sabotage, he did a lot of good for America. Will I have a chance to vote for him again? That remains to be seen.
I also like Vivek. He is a young man and a great intellect, and has the passion and energy of youth. We have another 40 years to see how he plays out on the world stage (not that I have that much time to see it). So, time will tell if he is the man to put our nation back together or if it is already too late.