For sure, as Scott McKay writes in “Let’s Just Say It: Transgenderism is Mental Illness,” a lot of transgenders need their heads examined. And yes, “it’s all insanity.” And yes, as a commenter observes, it’s an “LGBTQ cult… with origins in the leftist Cult of Rage.”
All true.
Just don’t forget that the whole thing is about politics, that our ruling class rules through the political formula that it represents the helpless victims against the cruel power of the exploiters and oppressors.
And right now our rulers are consumed with the thought that somewhere, somehow, some little kiddie just knows that they cannot identify with their birth gender. And they are all determined to go out and slay the transphobe dragon.
See, for any politics, there must be an enemy, and the glorious role of the politician is to unite us all in the victorious fight against the enemy.
In our modern era our lefty friends have thoughtfully defined this as Allyship, where the Allies fight with the Oppressed Peoples against the White Oppressors. Naturally, after the Allies and Oppressed Peoples have defeated the White Oppressors they appoint DEI administrators to hand out the loot, first in high administrative positions for the Allies and then in reparations payments to the Oppressed Peoples.
Back in the day, you would have expected the Allies to be fighting for the landless peasants against the landowners. But back in the day the ruling class was the landowner class, so fighting for the landless was a non-starter. So the landless peasants starved to death for centuries until eevil capitalists came along in the Industrial Revolution and gave them jobs.
So it was that when the Industrial Revolution came along it made complete sense for intellectual city boys without a job like Karl Marx to fight for the proletarians against the capitalists. What did the intellectuals have to lose?
The only problem turned out to be World War I. The workers, it turned out, were nationalist patriots. They identified more with their nations than with their class. That’s why Horkheimer and Adorno and Marcuse at the Frankfurt School recast the thrust of Marxism from economic class to the sexism suffered by women and the racism suffered by the African slave.
But what do we do after the triumph of feminism and the passage of the Civil Rights Act? We notice the monstrous behavior of the New York City police in descending upon innocent homosexual minding their own business at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan.
And so it goes. Now that gays have gay marriage it is the time to right the historical oppressions suffered by transgenders, who, as everyone knows, have been oppressed by white male cis-gender oppressors since the Dawn of Time.
They forgot to add: TERFs.
Obviously, when you start a movement, you hark back to longshoreman philosopher Eric Hoffer who opined that “What starts out here as a mass movement ends up as a racket, a cult, or a corporation.” He forgot to add, “or perhaps all four.”
That means that any mass movement — or “activist group” — is likely to descend into a racket, a cult, or a corporation sucking on the gubmint teat. And I think that experts agree that many people attracted to a cult have, as we now say “mental health issues” and ought to be in therapy with a gubmint-funded therapist.
But the problem with movements and cults and rackets is that they don’t know when to stop. And, if the French and Bolshevik Revolutions are anything to go by, the revolutionaries end up offing each other. And that is not good for activists.
Thus it is interesting for me to observe transgenders mobbing feminists and calling them TERFs. Yes, I am sure that J.K. Rowling is a “trans-exclusionary radical feminist.” But, do you know, women have this thing about “safety.” Particularly where it applies to taking their clothes off or going to the bathroom. Of course, as an open and accepting person, I hardly know what to do: to help the transgenders overcome millennia of oppression, or accept the lived experience of women that shudders at the thought of male genitalia in the women’s bathroom.
Like I say: “women expect to be protected.”
Another “thing” that women have is what my daughter calls “keeping my kids alive.” Mothers are really, really into keeping their kids safe. And they really, really do not like the idea of anyone talking to their pre-pubescent kids about sex. As for me, I don’t want any gubmint official talking to my kids about sex, or my grandkids, or my great-grandkids if I live to have any. I think that if you are OK with gubmint-paid humans talking to your kids about sex, you have a mental health problem. Which is a polite way of saying that you need your head examined.