For about a century well-born feminists have been playing the Patriarchy card. And along they way they have supported other fake victims like gays and lesbians. And gay marriage. And LGBT.
Only now, all of a sudden, the trans activists are beating up on women. And the ladies at Quillette have had enough. The political movement to “protect the recognition of biological sex differences” is one thing, but violent trans mobs dosing tomato juice on feminist activists like Kellie-Jay Keen is a bridge too far.
Keen abandoned her March 25th speaking event in Auckland [New Zealand] following the appearance of a violent mob…
The fact that these shocking scenes unfolded in a peaceful and tolerant country such as New Zealand, of all places, may at first seem odd. But it will not come as a surprise to those who’ve followed the increasingly radicalized campaign among progressives aimed at entirely replacing biological sex with (self-defined) gender as a marker of identity.
Since we are talking politics, and politics is friends v. enemies, let me say that I am on the side of the feminists here. That’s not because I think that the feminist agenda is worthier than the trans agenda, but because I believe that “women expect to be protected” for good and honorable reasons having to do with women bearing and raising children.
But, dear feminist cupcakes, where did you think World War Patriarchy would end up? Feminism is a political movement, just one of the many political movements endorsed and cosseted by our educated ruing class. That means that feminism operates by defining an enemy — men — and going to war against them.
This is, of course, no different than the workers going to political war against the bosses — endorsed and cosseted by the educated ruling class. It is no different than blacks going to war against white racists — endorsed and cosseted by the educated ruling class. And gays going to war against straights — endorsed and cosseted by the educated ruling class.
In a way, it is obvious and inevitable that World War Patriarchy — after its glorious victory against racist sexist homophobes — would end up with the victors fighting with each other.
But do you see the problem, dear ruling-class friends? The problem is politics, which is about fighting the enemy and rewarding your friends. If you are going to gussie up all kinds of political activism, then you are going to gussie up all kinds of conflict. And conflicts tends to “escalate,” as the Cold War intellectuals used to say.
But most questions in human society are best discussed and resolved by other means than politics. There is law, with judges analyzing legal cases and coming up with new ways of dealing with the inevitable messes in human affairs. There is religion, for forming a community of people with similar views about good and evil. There is the economy, where people work and buy and sell and find that it really pays to develop a reputation for reliability and honesty. There is the whole universe of mutual aid and community clubs and organizations where people get together to make the world a better place through discussion and cooperation.
The problem is you, dear ruling class. You have brought all kinds of issues into politics: economic issues, cultural issues, moral issues. Let us give you the benefit of the doubt and allow that you thought that your beneficent Oz-like political power could make the world a better place. And let us allow that in the mid-19th century when all this got started, intelligent people could think that there was no chance that the workers would thrive in the dark Satanic mills, no chance that women could come into the public square safely. But now, a century and a half later, I’d say that pretty well all the political initiatives backed by the educated ruling class have Made Things Worse. And what is worse is that you have chosen to make the world a better place through the deployment of political power and government handouts, so that every modern nation churns almost half of its national income through government programs.
So now what do we do? You rulers have encouraged your pet mascots to be activists and use the political system to get “justice” and you have just about bankrupted every nation that you rule.
And now your pet activists are turning against each other.
Got any good ideas rulers? I’d say it’s time for youse guys to get your hands off the levers of power and go live in a monastery and pray to God for mercy for the rest of your lives.
Yes, the arrogance of the ruling class. They know what is best for the rest of us. But their crystal ball is even less clear than our crystal ball. They are so filled with pride they never consider consequences like those of us who have learned that our mistakes cost us something.