We all know the political formula of our present ruling class, the educated class. It rules in order to protect the helpless victims from the predator white oppressor class.
Bless their hearts, it's worked pretty well. For the ruling class.
Now I believe that the Age of the Educated Class is ending. I believe that because I believe that the Age of Gutenberg, the age of the printed book and newspaper — that underlaid the power of the educated class — is ending and is being replaced by the Age of the Internet.
In the Age of the Internet, I believe, the strategic advantage of being the author of a printed book read by all the right people will disappear. That's because, pace the Censorship Industrial Complex, the internet is a free-for-all. And therefore, I believe, the power of the educated class will be reduced, because they won’t have a lock on The Narrative as they do right now.
Presumably the new ruling class will be more centered on the ordinary middle class. But I suspect the leaders of the ruling class will not be that different from the ruling class today. Political and cultural leaders need to be people of a certain type, whatever side they are backing in the politics stakes.
But what will be the “political formula” of the ruling class, using the notion in the strict sense that Gaetano Mosca gives it in The Ruling Class? As I have written:
Ruling classes do not rule by power alone, but invent a moral or legal basis for their power. Mosca calls this a political formula. The ruler might be a king that rules as God's Anointed, or he might be a US president that rules by the will of the people. There is always a "political formula."
As I have said, our present ruling class political formula is that the rulers are the allies of the underprivileged or oppressed against the privileged and/or oppressors.
Only, I say, in 2024, the so-called underprivileged aren’t that oppressed and the so-called white oppressors have no power to oppress at all. And at some point this double lie will collapse.
Now, Mosca says that
To maintain its supremacy a ruling class must maintain energy, practical wisdom, political training in every generation. Otherwise it declines and submits to another ruling class.
Hello Wokey! How’s that “energy, practical wisdom, political training” doing right now? Seems to me that the ruling class is ripe for replacement not just because of the Age of the Internet, not just because of the double lie in its political formula but because of its quality decline.
Back to the new political formula. Because it is about politics, it must obey Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt’s definition of the political as the distinction between friend and enemy.
Obviously the new ruling class will be the friends, the allies of the ordinary middle class. But in the distinction between Friend and Enemy who will be the Enemy?
I was wondering about that, but after having written the previous paragraph, I wonder no longer. The Enemy will be the current educated class, because of its privilege, its injustice, its failures, its Power, its pride. And yes, Miss Elizabeth Bennet, its prejudice. Not to mention its lack of “energy, practical wisdom, political training.”
What we need to do, we thinkers and narrative generators and “influencers” of the Age of the Internet, is tell the story of the privilege, the failure, the injustice, the misplaced Power, the ignorance, the pride, the lack of principle, the lack of virtue, the lack of decency in the current educated ruling class.
And behind the scenes we need to be thinking about how to re-empower the little battalions of society to create obstructions against the use of Power.
But whatabout the oppressed, the underprivileged, the victims of the current era? The new rulers and their friends the ordinary middle class will attend to the needs of the lower class, but not in the patronizing way of the current ruling class. The new ruling class will be extending a hand up to the lower class, not a hand out.
When you step back a bit you can see this new political formula already forming. It is present in the MAGA philosophy which basically calls for an American politics for ordinary Americans. And you can see it in the anti-woke politics that is already gelling across the nation to push back on the various far left fantasies of ruling-class interests and activists.
So all that is needed is a little time and a little luck. And it never hurts to have the present ruling class run out of other peoples’ money.