As it says in front of Edward Ring’s American Greatness piece on our worthy ruling class:
America’s elites use lies about race, gender, health, climate, environment, and energy to gut the middle class, explode the dependent class, and transfer trillions into their own pockets.
Don’t believe it? Here’s a piece noticed by Steve Sailer
Government can minimize racial inequality in criminal justice by reducing police stops, detention, and long sentences
by National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Do you see the “tell” here? Yes, of course, you could level up the criminal justice statistics by not arresting people, not imprisoning criminals, and issuing shorter sentences. But that assumes that getting the racial stats right is more important than getting criminals off the streets.
And this article, apparently, is a joint effort of the National Academcy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the National Academy of Medicine.
Godfrey Daniels! Mother of Pearl!
In other words, racial equality means that young black men don’t get arrested, tried and confined more than their share of the population.
I confess that this article set me straight on something. I have been wondering, since the Year of Floyd, what planet our liberal friends are on when they push Defunding Police and No-Bail release of accused violent criminals. Now I understand.
If you believe that justice means that no one group of oppressed people is overrepresented in the criminal stats, then the Defund Police and No-Bail policies make complete sense. OK. I get it!
And anyone that objects, and says that the point of criminal justice is to arrest, try, and convict people that break the law, well then, obviously they are racist-sexist-homophobes. Of course!
The more I think about the situation the more I realize that it is a natural product of our ruling class’s Political Formula, which is so well demonstrated by the Allyship narrative, that I translate as
We are the Allies of the Oppressed Peoples fighting against the White Oppressors.
That Allyship link above is from Harvard Business Review, and its article is titled “Be a Better Ally.” Here is the intro paragraph.
In the United States and many other parts of the world, we’re finally engaging in substantive conversations about a once untouchable issue: white male privilege. The #MeToo and Black Lives Matter movements, as well as the systemic inequalities laid bare by the Covid-19 pandemic, have forced people in positions of power—that is, the white men who dominate leadership roles across public and private institutions—to realize that they must step up if there is to be any hope of making organizations more diverse, fair, and inclusive.
Got it. But do you see the clownish stupidity of this? The “white men who dominate leadership roles across public and private institutions” are not going to resign and give their positions of power up to erase “white male privilege.” No, they are going to change the rules for the people that come after them. They will use their power and their “white male privilege” to make everything “diverse, fair, and inclusive” — for the rest of us.
Now you may say: “what planet are these clueless academics living on?” But to me it makes complete sense. If you believe that people like you are called to help the Oppressed Peoples, then how? Well, obviously you and yours in the ruling class are not going to release your hands from the levers of power and give them up to someone from the lower orders. Not at all. You will continue in office — hello Chuck ‘n Nancy — and appoint POCs to replace you. All in good time.
Then, you have to decide, who is standing in the way of “making organizations more diverse, fair, and inclusive?” Obviously not people like you. And not Oppressed People of Color. Of course! It must be ultra-MAGA white racist-sexist-homophobes! Obviously!
Now, I want to make it clear. I am not saying that our liberal friends are monsters and villains. I am saying that once you have set up an Over/Under Political Formula in which the rulers are out to help the lower class, then it naturally follows that the enemy of all that is good and true is in the middle. Who Else?
But then it makes complete sense, as American Greatness puts it, that ordinary middle-class commoners start to believe the following:
America’s elites use lies about race, gender, health, climate, environment, and energy to gut the middle class, explode the dependent class, and transfer trillions into their own pockets.
Obviously, our rulers are not going to “gut” themselves. And obviously whatever they do, they will hand out goodies to the “dependent class.” And all these programs, about “race, gender, health, climate, environment, and energy” will have to be paid for by the middle class. It all issues from the natural logic of the Over/Under Political Formula. You see, our liberal friends look at the situation this way:
America’s progressives know that the only road to justice for the Oppressed Peoples is for their Allies to step up and implement programs to eliminate race, gender, health, climate, environmental inequalities. Necessarily, the White Oppressors will have to stand aside until society has become more diverse, fair, and inclusive
Now, we deplorables like to talk about government’s job being to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
But really, the job of government is only to defend the nation against foreign enemies. The only reason it gets into “domestic enemies” is the vigilante problem.
As in: the job of the police is to protect criminals from the vigilantes. See, policing is fairly new. In Britland they introduced police into London in the 1840s. Because? Because, as Charles Dickens so lovingly described, there were in London at the time a bunch of colorful criminal gangs carrying on, and the government had to Do Something to stop it.
In the old days, domestic problems were dealt with through the common agreed culture of good and evil, which was not necessarily explicit. I took a look at that a few days ago. Back in the day everybody knew, instinctively and unconsciously, what was right behavior and what was wrong. And if you violated the cultural code you were outta there. There’s an example of this in George Eliot’s Adam Bede. When it is discovered that Hetty Sorrel has killed her baby, her foster parents, the respectable Poysers, tenant farmers since forever, are mortified, their honor demolished. They feel that they should leave the district, because of the shame of their niece committing such an act.
So the idea of explicit codification of good and evil and courts and judges and juries and executions and prisons is an artifact of a modern society and a community in which we don’t know everyone and we don’t really know their business.
And do you know what I think? I think we are still learning how to do a society where we codify laws and culture to address the question of dealing with people that don’t follow the unwritten rules, let along the written rules.
So I don’t really think that our liberal friends lying about everything and making the middle class into White Oppressor ultra-MAGA enemies is all that surprising.
See, our liberal friends thought they had the answer to the riddle of modern society. Their adminisrative state and their programs would resolve all the horrible poverty and injustice of the 19th century with its plantation slavery and its satanic mills and its patriarchy.
But in fact our liberal friends have Made Things Worse. But does that mean that they will admit their errors and go away? Not a bid of it.
Suppose you had been the guy to implement all these programs and you Made Things Worse. Would you be saying, wow, real screw up here, sorry fellahs? Of course you wouldn’t. You would be saying that it is all the fault of malevolent saboteurs and wreckers, like Joe Stalin, or ultra-MAGA armed insurrectionists like Joe Biden.
And you would keep saying it until the end of your regime. You would probably still be saying it as the next regime got itself up to speed and started trying to fix the political, economic, and cultural wreckage you left behind on your way out of town.
And you would still be banging away at your programs to “minimize racial inequality,” becauses that is what you do, that is what you believe.
And if you find yourself facing a rising populist movement opposed to your beneficent agenda because it experiences your rule as injustice, why, you would regard it as inconceivable. You would naturally regard your opponents as malevolent monsters.
White boys need not apply. Now I get it. That explains everything.