Never mind the big picture, writes David Cole. It’s the details that count. You may be moving to a red state to get away from leftism, but the lefty bureaucrats are hard at work in the red states:
To revisit the point I made last week about zoning, leftists are quietly hard at work, in blue states and red, rejiggering zoning laws so that no matter where whitey lives, there’ll be black Section 8 slums and overcrowded immigrant tenements next door.
Which is true until it isn’t.
OK. But let’s look at the big picture, anyway, with the Zman. He says that every old regime is the same.
The nobility, the church and the peasants all have to see the king [the monarch] as their best chance at peace and prosperity.
But our world is a bit different, because we have loyalty more to ideas than to people.
The three-legged stool of monarchy is replaced with economics, security, and culture in a liberal democracy, which is held together by trust in the official holders and the institutions.
The point about elections is that they take the temperature of the peasants. But in the past two elections the thermometer has broken. In 2016 the elite didn’t like the temperature reading, and in 2020 the peasants didn’t like the reading that the elite announced. Thus January 6 — peasants surrounding the walls of the castle, dontcha know. The result is disconnect.
The people are worried about the collapse of the American system, but the elites are pushing radical cultural fads like pedophilia and ritual child mutilation. The people are increasingly concerned for their safety, but elites are unleashing black criminals and promising global war. Inflation remains the top concern for Americans, but both parties ignore it. The political system and the voters are two ships passing in the night.
So, we are getting to the point where the elite is afraid of reform.
The elite can initiate reform, but this puts their position at risk, so they view calls for reform as a physical threat. Therefore they choose to impose order, which is viewed by the peasants as a threat to their safety.
At least beck in the French Revolution the French monarch knew that something had to change. He knew what all the Rousseaus and Montesquieus and Voltaires were saying; he knew in his gut that something had to change. He knew that that he needed to make his peace with the New Age.
Our problem is that our rulers don’t have a clue. They see things going wrong and blame it all on the Deplorables and white supremacists. They have No Idea that it is their ideas and policies and programs that are Making Things Worse. And the lefty bureaucrats in the system are simple and true believers in the Narrative.
But, you may ask: what difference does it make? Louis XVI might have known that things had to change, but he still got executed.
I suppose only this. In the French Revolution the Reign of Terror was a fight among the revolutionaries after the old regime had departed. Probably in our Revolution the Reign of Terror will come before the old regime departs.
But I would it were not so.