Back on November 4, 2020, with the defeat of President Trump I wrote that it was “The End of the Commoner Rebellion.”
And that the ruling class would proceed full-speed-ahead with its climate change and systemic racism agenda.
What I did not forsee was how quickly the ruling class would screw things up, with inflation, sky high gas prices, and a foreign war. You can see that the rulers are panicking from President Biden’s recent tweets.

I wonder if the Fact Checkers(TM) are going to say anything about this. If President Trump had made such “disinformational” tweets you can be sure that the Fact Checkers would have come out in battalion strength.
Now obviously President Biden is not writing these tweets. His people are executing a strategy, that I dare say has something to do with the upcoming midterms, some kind of attempt to buck up Democratic supporters and sow confusion in the ranks of the deplorables.
Will it work?
My guess is: probably not. Quite simply, if the economy goes south on a president’s watch it’s his fault.
But, you may wonder, how on Earth could the Biden administration go south so quickly? I think a helpful answer comes from Brit troublemaker Dominic Cummings. He poses the question about why our rulers don’t solve any problems.
As I keep saying, the real issue in government is not ‘how to do X much better’. In most areas we know. The real issue is big players in the system tend to be either uninterested in improving X or actively opposed.
He goes on:
The key institution blocking what the public wants is the broken old parties who are locked into mindsets that aren’t even rational for them, but from which they can’t escape, partly because the vicious circle means they keep recruiting really duff people.
This is similar to what I am reading in the runup to the French Revolution in Simon Schama’s Citizens. The rulers knew that something should be done. But none of them were prepared to risk their position in the hierarchy to fix things.
And, actually, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
Meaning that, even if things aren’t running too well, it still isn’t worth it — in people angry at giving up their bennies — to fix it.
But, I suspect, when you have 10 percent inflation and gas prices are up 100 percent, and, and… Then maybe it’s Time for a Change.
Now, when I was writing my “End of the Commoner Rebellion” 18 months ago I noted:
One of the notions of Gaetano Mosca in The Ruling Class is that the Commoners don't get a vote. Political change only occurs when the ruling class divides and the change faction wins.
But here’s something to think about, from Powerline reporting on restlessness among the natives on the Democrat plantation.
But to frustrated Democrats, the administration’s cautious response to the abortion decision is further evidence that Biden’s roots in an earlier political order have left him slow to acknowledge, much less respond to, the radicalization of the Trump-era GOP. The growing chorus among the president’s internal critics is that even if Biden was the right man for beating Trump, he has become the wrong man for combatting Trumpism.
You see the point? The Democrats think that Biden is being too moderate: “the media and the Democratic base wish Biden would be even more aggressively leftist and polarizing.”
I know. What planet are these people on?
But maybe all this gets us closer to the key point made by Gaetano Mosca, when “the ruling class divides and the change faction wins.”
Let’s say that in 2020 the ruling class came together and agreed: get this Trump troublemaker out of here. But, I’ll bet that right now there are some discussions in high places saying that “we gotta do something here, maybe chuck some folks overboard, or the whole ship might go down.”
Just thinking a few revolutionary thoughts on the Fourth of July.