The question I have about the whole World War Trump is: are our Democratic friends deeply cunning partisans executing on a brilliant plan devised by a crack team of strategic political thinkers, or are they just ordinary thug-dictators using the legal system to keep their political opponents from the levers of power.
My own guess is that these people are not too smart. I find that the deep-state operatives like James Comey and John Brennan know how to play their USIC bureaucratic games, and how to nobble their opponents “six ways from Sunday,” but I’m not sure they can see round political corners.
I think we can respect President Biden as a political veteran that knew how to play the political accusation game. His recent tweet accusing billionaires of not paying taxes is typical of Biden the man and the politician.

Only our pal Elon Musk was right there with a push-back.

I don t know where Biden gets his numbers. All I know is that my shows that the top 1% pays 40% of the federal income tax.
And it’s been going up. Notice how the big upswing was in the 1990s, the decade of Tech. When the economy created tons of billionaires.
But that’s not the point, is it, for politicians like Biden. Their game is to attack the opposition with a zinger, never mind the facts, and trust that the media will back you up because the target is a Republican.
But there’s a problem. It is suggested in James Carville’s famous line “it’s the economy, stupid.” Most voters don’t know from nothing, but they do know when they are hurting economically. I’m in Portugal today, and there are strikes all over, particularly, of course, gubmint unions. And their workers are hurting.
I know. Whaddya think, cupcake, when government wrecks the economy with Money Printer Go BRRRR and goodies for gubmint workers?
Look, I know that government is all about shoveling free stuff at your supporters. But I would say that a wise government understands that, first, you grow the economy; second, you make sure your supporters are first in line.
And I’d say that the Biden administration has made a strategic error in throwing money at its supporters, from green energy to DEI administrators, but not growing the economy.
I hope that after the upcoming debacle of 2024, when Democrats suffer the worst losses they can remember, that the wise heads in the Democratic Party will teach the activist young’uns that — echoing the Catholics that said “first you build the school, then the curch” — first you fix the economy, then you let the good times roll for your supporters.
I reckon that, back in 1992 with the Clinton election, Democrats had learned the lesson of Carter and his “stagflation.” but hey, the Carter Stagflation is 45 years ago, and the Clinton victory is 30 years ago. And today liberals just fill the heads of their youngsters with woke nonsense and activism protocols. What they do not do is provide a strategic and economic framework for successful progressive politics.
So if you were a young 30 year-old Democrat in 1992 that had learned the lesson of the Carter failures you are now 60. Today’s 30-year-old Democratic political campaign workers have no memory of the Carter-lessons-learned, and nobody in woke university has tried to teach them about it. So of course they pushed the Biden administration into foolish post-COVID policies that failed to realize that first, they have better put the economy on an even keel after the COVID inflation and economic disruption, and then, they needed to grow the economy, because whatever the rules and the handouts, the victims get the jobs last.
Only they didn’t know any better because nobody taught them.
So they are going to have to learn the hard way.
Thanks Christopher, good post. And the rest of us suffer as they get their on the job training. I guess it is always so, but we might hope for a little common sense to prevail. Maybe that is wishful thinking.