On IM-1776 Chrstopher Rufo writes a stirring call to arms, “The New Right Activism: a Manifesto for the Counterrevolution.” But to me he is only talking about tactics, how we storm the citadels of Woke. He writes:
[We need] natural right, limited government, and individual liberty, but we need to make those principles meaningful in the world of today.
Yes, but how do we make them meaningful for today’s Commoners?
Then Rufo goes off and writes about the organization and duties of the activists who will takeover the institutions of the current ruling class.
So he is not really writing a manifesto in the style of Marx and Engels’ The Communist Manifesto. So let us review the Manifesto. Chuck and Fred start with a preamble in which they introduce the “Spectre of Communism” and decide to tell us all about it.
First they tell us about “Bourgeois and Proletarians,” the owners of the means of production and the wage laborers. How the bourgeoisie rose to power, and how the proletarians are stuck without the means to help themselves.
Then they tell us about “Proletarians and Communists,” how Communists will organize the working class into a single party to overthrow the bourgeoisie, and abolish the family, institute heavy taxes and centralize everything into the state. So that everyone lives happily ever after.
Then they go off into a review of socialist literature before closing with the famous call to arms.
Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communistic revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.
Whatabout The Commoner Manifesto, the very name of this blog?
“A spectre is haunting the global educated ruling class — the spectre of the Far Right. All the powers of the educated class have entered into a Woke alliance to exorcise this spectre.”
Quite so. But who is this Far Right, that is literally Hitler?
“Educated and Commoner.
“The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles: freeman and slave, oppressor and oppressed. In the last century a new oppressor class, the Educated Elite, has risen to power over the ordinary Commoner and has ruled with ruthless domination.
“Commoner and Oppressed.
“Both Commoners and the lower class are oppressed by the Educated ruling class. Commoners are marginalized by the rulers as “white oppressors;” the so-called Oppressed are the mascots and pets of the rulers, supplied with free stuff but condemned forever as second-class citizens that live by the favor of the rulers.
“Position of Commoners in relation to Educated and Oppressed.
“Until the Commoners and the Oppressed unite against the power and the oppression of the Educated class they will both live in subservience to the educated that live and work in the various bureaucracies of the Administrative State: government offices, regulatory agencies, universities, media, K-12 education, and activist groups.
“Let the ruling classes tremble at a Commoner revolution. Both Commoners and Oppressed have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.”