Says Theodore Roosevelt Malloch at American Greatness
The Left… now controls all the centers of power and the commanding heights of the world economy... You can’t disagree with it or you are a kook or insurrectionist.
Then he rehearses all the truths of life today that the Left denies.
Global warming is a hoax.
Universities are about indoctrination, not education.
Government is a form of manipulation with a two-tiered justice system.
The media is fake and journalism died long ago.
The financial system is a Ponzi scheme.
Trump did not collude with Russia.
The border is wide open.
Inflation is not transitory.
Defunding the police increases crime.
The pandemic did not originate in a wet market from pangolins.
Joe Biden is illegitimate.
Crackhead Hunter is not innocent.
Epstein didn’t kill himself.
Black Lives Matter and critical race theory are not about racial justice.
Women are not men and vice versa.
Virtue signaling isn’t about virtue.
Religion is not malevolent.
Why do our masters believe the opposite and cancel people that disagree with them?
Because their politics is failing. And they can’t believe it. The main thing for us, the deplorables and the Benighted, to understand is why.
The “why” is this. Our liberal friends believe that politics is the royal road to justice. Politics is their religion.
But they are wrong. Earth to the Left: don’t make politics your religion; it leads straight to the abattoir.
That’s because politics is about defining and defeating the enemy. Thus, “our”politics necessarily is experienced by “our” enemy as injustice. Of course it is: because with regard to an enemy there is no justice; there is only victory or defeat.
This is not rocket science. Law, justice, and stuff are about composing differences, resolving wrongs, short of war. They are about relations and disagreements with other people within our community. It is how humans have adapted the notion of social animals to our species.
There is, of course, an endless problem here. First, any community has its politics; it has a ruler that defends it from enemies, foreign and domestic.
The problem, of course, is the domestic enemies. Could there be a way to deal with domestic enemies short of going to war with them? Because maybe they aren’t enemies to the death but merely quarrelsome punks?
The answer, of course, is right in front of us. It is elections, in which we select a government short of war. It is policing, in which we agree to curb violent young men by whacking them with nightsticks rather than killing them. It is the legal system, in which we agree to compose our differences short of Hatfield and McCoy revenge. It is the old Wergild payment when someone in your clan kills someone in another clan. And it is the market economy that allows us to buy and sell without imposing our vision of the just price on other people and that rewards trust and honest dealing.
But when you are a ruling class you tend to forget all that, in which the community runs without your detailed supervision. Indeed, the fun of being a ruler is precisely to order everyone around. And the only time you really get to order everyone around is during a war.
And hey, there is no politics without an enemy. And, once you have an enemy, the next thing on the agenda is a jolly old war, and then you get to order everyone around.
Do you see the problem? If you are a ruler, in charge of politics in your realm, you want to rule. But here you are in the piping days of peace and there is no enemy in sight, and therefore no war, and therefore no excuse for ordering people around.
There is only one solution for our ruler. He’s got to find an enemy. He’s got to start a war. He’s got to humiliate the enemy, do a victory parade, and reassert his right to rule. That’s what Malloch’s list up above is all about. The Left doesn’t want to admit their truth, because it would remove the occasion for politics and enemies.
That’s how to understand our liberal friends. They believe in politics. But politics needs an enemy. Therefore, everyone that disagrees with them gets promoted to enemy, and then our liberal friends are justified treating disagreements as rebellion and insurrection, and making war upon the “other.”
But there’s a problem. Suppose the war on the “other” isn’t working. Suppose that injustice doesn’t get solved. Suppose that, 50 years after the Civil Rights Acts, that blacks are still in the basement. Suppose that, despite the glories of feminism, women are feeling more stressed and more taken-for-granted than ever before.
Well, we know the answer to the problem. The answer is that politics isn’t the answer. The more that a ruling class amasses power and beats up the opposition, the more that it creates heads of rebellion.
Humans are social animals, which means that, nearly all the time, we compose our differences with various social means, from hierarchy to discussion to law to Wergild to the market. In other words, the whole point of social animals is to find a way to avoid politics, which is about the enemy and defeating them with force.
But if you make everything into politics then you destroy the interactions and networks of social animals. You make everything into a war.
Do you see the box that our liberal friends are in? They think that politics is the name of the game. But they are wrong: ever since God invented social animals.
When you are wrong, and keep banging away on the wrong track without changing, then things don’t end well. For you or for anyone else.
Ideally, the whole thing gets resolved with a couple of change elections. A new ruling class takes over and the current ruling class gets pensioned off.
But regime change is very seldom that easy.