In Politics You Never Say You are Sorry, Alex Berenson
because you never give the enemy the time of day
Alex Berenson, noted COVID and vaccine skeptic, is now asking on his SubStack Unreported Truths why the folks that unfriended him for his views on the COVID pandemic won’t say they are sorry.
They told us that we were selfish and stupid. That we didn’t understand science. Or vaccines. That we were risking our lives and theirs out of pure spite, or maybe fear of needles…
Then they stopped talking to us at all. They disinvited us from family gatherings and parties. They said our children couldn’t play with theirs.
And so on.
At this point - how do I put this politely? - we can all agree that maybe the mRNAs were not the panacea that we were told.
And that maybe the hysteria around Covid was a little overdone.
But here’s the part that stuns me, the truly jaw-dropping aspect of where we are now: A lot of those people who got on their high horses two or three years ago, they won’t get off.
Forget apologizing and asking for our forgiveness. They’re still shunning us. They cannot possibly still believe they were right, so they must just be too afraid to admit the truth.
Yes, Alex Berenson, but this isn’t family; this isn’t business, this isn’t church. This is politics, and in politics you never say you are sorry, you never say you were wrong, you never say that the war was a tragic mistake.
That’s because politics is war against the Enemy. War begins with the mass psychosis where people either get on board or someone sends them the White Feather, and anyone that doesn’t join the colors is considered a traitor. Then either the war is conducted to a glorious conclusion, and don’t you dare criticize our fearless leader, or it ends in defeat and the defeated leader is never heard from again.
Everyone who is Our Friend is on board for the war. Of course they are; otherwise they are Our Enemy.
But nobody ever gets up and says it was all a dreadful mistake. Not in politics.
The “tells” were there all along on COVID. That the science was decided: that’s not how science works; that how politics works. That we had to shut down the economy: that’s how war works, not a free society. That anyone that didn’t agree was a bad person.
BTW, here’s La Wik’s description of Alex Berenson:
Berenson appeared frequently in American right-wing media, spreading false claims about COVID-19 and its vaccines.[8] He spent much of the pandemic arguing that its seriousness was overblown; once COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, he made false claims about the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
No indication yet that Berenson was right, not just “far-right.”
What people in politics do for a living is: they conduct wars, or failing that, the moral equivalent of war. So in any endeavor that politicians get involved in, they will always try to turn it into a war. And they wil always beat up the skeptics.
We could do an Ike and make the problem bigger, and notice that, aside from COVID, our liberal friends have, with their politics, Made Things Worse, but they won’t admit it and so keep doubling down on failure.
But that is another story.