Democrats are going all-in on abortion for the mid-terms. Why? I suppose it’s because Biden & Co. think that abortion is the one way to energize their supporters. But I wonder.
Let’s analyze abortion using my reductive Three Peoples theory, that divides the world into three parts: Creatives, Responsibles, and Subordinates.
I think that Creative women are in favor of abortion because the life trajectory of the Creative woman requires that she control her reproduction. A modern educated woman is expected to spend her teenage years and her twenties getting an education and starting a career. This goes against nature: just reread Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility all over again. Young women in nature are falling in love with dishy males and having total emotional reactions every step along the way.
But not young Creative women. They must stay on track with education and career. That is what they are carefully taught. But it is asking too much for them to live like nuns until they are 30. They are going to fall in love; they are going to have “relationships.” And whatever precautions they take, there is always the chance of an unplanned pregnancy, and that would upend their life trajectory. So Creative women are all-in on abortion.
I do not suggest, of course, that the average Creative or education woman has ever thought about career, sex, abortion. She just knows that abortion is a basic human right, and she will tell you so.
I think that Responsible women are against abortion because the life trajectory of the Responsible woman requires that she follow the Rules. And the Rules say that you cool your jets until the right man comes along. And your life trajectory is marriage, home, children, family. If you follow the trajectory you don’t get pregnant until you are married or almost married. So abortion is not a big deal. Indeed, abortion is kinda opposite to your faith in marriage and family and children.
I think that Subordinate women don’t think about abortion until they need one. That’s the whole point of lower-class life. You live each day in response to whatever is going wrong. If you can get an abortion, you get it. Otherwise you have the baby. And then figure out what to do.
So, in my view, the Democrat abortion gambit isn’t going to work at this election. Creative women are already voting Democrat and always will. Everyone else, not so much.
One thing is for sure. Anyone in the middle class or lower class right now is consumed with the nightmare of inflation. And if they are not consumed by it, they get prompted every time they go to the store or fill up at the gas station.
The only way you are not consumed by inflation is by having an income substantially above your expenses. Because, as Dicken’s Mr. Micawber said:
Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen nineteen and six , result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.
You need to be free of worry about income and expenditure before you start to worry about abortion.
One thing will be interesting after the midterms. If the Dems determine that abortion did not move the needle for them, then what? I have no idea, but I am sure they will think of something.