If you have a talent for censorship, you need to get the US into a war. Because that is the only justification for censorship. If the rulers are fighting a war, and they are losing, and have made tons of wrong decisions, they need censorship to keep the soldiers fighting, and the war bonds selling, and the home front quiet. So that the war can continue till the final victory that will save our nation.
Er, not quite. The point of censorship is to save the regime, not the nation.
Now I assume that the government, any government, lies about everything. Why? Because all government is a mess, a chaotic fight against the enemy, and a corrupt and chaotic feeding of goodies to its supporters.
So the government has to lie. Otherwise it could never get any soldiers to fight its wars, and it could never harness the tax and regulation system to feed its supporters.
And, let’s face it: governments are eager for war. Because that gives them the excuse to do what they want to do, to harness the economy to their political agenda, to be glorious leaders urging their people on to victory against the enemy, and to smoke out those traitors and insurrectionists that are lurking behind every tree.
Obviously, COVID and Climate Change are catnip for our liberal rulers. COVID was practically a war, and the government swung into action with its loyal “intelligence community” smoking out misinformation and disinformation. And its political operatives bullied social media into censoring people — even scientists! — that disagreed with the approved science and protocols.
Fortunately, in the months since the COVID crisis has eased off, the justice system has started to push back against censors and the government’s arguments for censorship. In retrospect you can see from the experience with COVID that the masking was baloney, that the mRNA shots were a lot more dangerous and a lot less effective than advertised. This breakthrough of the truth, even if it is a day late and a dollar short, is having a significant effect on the government’s ability to scare up a new panic with the latest COVID variant.
But we are still in full swing on the climate front. That is why everyone that disagrees with the climate war is tarred as a “climate denier,” meaning literally Hitler proposing a human Holocaust of helpless climate victims. And scientists that disagree with the Narrative are branded as tools of the fossil fuel industry, and often prevented from publishing articles in scientific publications.
I wonder what it will take to break up the censorship regime on climate. Most likely, I expect, it will be the economic hardship on ordinary middle-class families. That’s what’s happening right now. The big spending in the Inflation Reduction Act for climate initiatives — credits for solar panels, EVs, and heat pumps — puts money into corporate and climate activist and laptop class pockets, but not into the ordinary middle class packets and not into the lower-class oppressed peoples’ pockets. The middle class and the lower class aren’t much into glorious moral crusades; they just want to be able to pay the bills.
Remember 1980? Even though everybody knew that Ronald Reagan was a far-right extremist and an amiable dunce, people voted for him because stagflation.
But I suspect that the escape from Democrat stupidity won’t be so easy this time.