I was talking with a professional woman recently and she proposed that the Drag Show, beloved of our wokey friends and currently the hottest thing since sliced bread and enthusiastically endorsed by our corporate ESG friends, is nothing more or less than the racist Minstrel Show of disgraceful racist memory.
Did I make myself clear? The Drag Show is the racist Minstrel Show, sexist edition.
Because, she said, the Drag Show is an insulting take on feminine adornment and fashion. It is an insult to women down the ages, and obviously nothing more or less than the white supremacist patriarchy at work. Just as the Minstrel Show, Al Jolson, blackface proprietor, was an insult to all former slaves everywhere, a patronizing enactment of black culture in blackface. Blackface! Did you get that, dear liberal friends?
Also, I think, it denies the central notion of woman’s honor. Did you know that honor for women is chastity, that is, to be good and kind and helpful and caring?
And it shows, I think, that the real white oppressors, the real patriarchs, are the ruling-class whites who think they are the smartest knives in the drawer, and who insult us daily with their conceited assumption that everything they think and do is creative, intelligent, educated, progressive, and fighting for justice.
Oh, and they really care and fight for the Oppressed Peoples.
Earth to ruling class: no you are not. You are just an average ruling class displaying an average amount of conceit and an average amount of condescension and pomposity.
Just a side comment here. I think we can now definitively say that the next group, once beloved of the educated ruling class, is women.
First the educated ruling class threw the working class onto the white-trash heap, stigmatizing the white working class as bitter clingers and deplorables. Now the educated ruling class is throwing women over the side, stigmatizing them as TERFs, trans exclusive radical feminists. Hey, ordinary gays and lesbians: I think that you are next!
But why, oh why should this be, dear liberal friends? And why is it not a cynical effort of far-right armed insurrectionists.
Because of the insight of white-working-class philosopher Eric Hoffer, that every movement inevitably decays into a business, as in BLM, and finally into a racket, as in Democratic Party and Deep State and FBI and DOJ and all the ships at sea.
So go ahead, dear liberal friends. Insult every ordinary woman in America and subject their school-aged children to sexually themed Drag Shows at school featuring your latest victim-du-jour, the transgenders.
Because the Drag Show is the Minstrel Show redux. You read it here first.
What could go wrong?