As we see the Trump demolition team annihilating the various ways in which our liberal friends have unjustly ruled over us during the past century, it is time to come up with a new “political formula” to replace the political formula that has reigned over the past decades. The notion of a political formula was created by the Italian political scientist Gaetano Mosca. As I say:
Ruling classes do not rule by power alone, but invent a moral or legal basis for their power. Mosca calls this a political formula.
Democrat Political Formulas
But first, let’s review the various political formulaes that our liberal friends have ruled with over the last century or so.
Civil War
We northern abolitionists fight to free the slaves of the cruel southern slaveowners.
Late 19th Century
We Progressives fight for the labor rights of the workers against the robber barons.
Early 20th Century
We Progressive Republicans fight for a Square Deal for Americans against the malefactors of great wealth.
Great Depression
We New Dealers fight to give the people hope in their fight against the economic royalists.
We civil-rights advocates fight for the Negroes to end the racist injustice of Jim Crow.
We New Democrats fight for a Third Way to make America work for blue-collar workers.
We Democrats fight for Hope and Change to elect the First Black President.
Woke Era
We progressives are Allies of the Oppressed Peoples in their fight against the White Oppressors.
Republican Political Formulas
Now let us rehearse the various Republican moments of the last 50 years.
Nixon Era
We fight for the Silent Majority against the vocal minority of the anti-war counterculture.
Reagan Era
We fight for the Reagan Democrats against the stagflation of the Carter years.
Contract with America
We Republicans will reduce the size of government to end the tax and spend policies of the Democrats.
We fight to Make America Great Again for all Americans in the teeth of the Deep State.
Next Political Formula
All very well, but whatabout the future? After the personal star of Donald Trump has faded what political formula will his successors use to rule over us? I pondered the question back last May in “The Next Political Formula” without actually coming up with an answer, except to note, as a Schmittian, that the enemy is the educated class.
Now obviously, the Republican political formula is that we have the right to rule because we represent the ordinary middle class. That is who “we” are. But who is “they?” Well, it’s the Deep State, the Mass Media or Legacy Media. It is woke bureaucrats, illegal immigrants, helpless victims, lefty protesters, Green New Scammers, Hollywood, woke professors, lefty billionaires, men in the women’s bathroom. But how to boil this down to a simple slogan? I think we can start with this:
We MAGA Americans stand for all Ordinary Americans against the power and conceit of the Special Americans.
The point is that we don’t just stand for the white working class or the white middle class. We stand for everyone who doesn’t think they are “special.” We want to give lower-class Americans a hand up into the middle class, and we insist on the right of ordinary people, of whatever national origin or race or sex or class or creed, to live ordinary lives: working, creating families, raising children, and enjoying the fruits of our labor.
We don’t have any particular gripe with the Special Americans. It’s just that our lived experience is that if you give Special Americans political power they Make Things Worse. That’s why we stand for Ordinary Americans against the Special Americans.